pojte to fast... skluz ----------------------- We can fly like a bird, we can swim like a fish, now we must learn, how to live on a Earth like PEOPLE. -------------------- A. Einstein
zajímalo by mě, jestli někdy dorazíte na offline... :) ----------------------- We can fly like a bird, we can swim like a fish, now we must learn, how to live on a Earth like PEOPLE. -------------------- A. Einstein
pojte to fast... skluz
We can fly like a bird,
we can swim like a fish,
now we must learn,
how to live on a Earth like PEOPLE.
A. Einstein
pz ci mame dat nebo neco mate? :wink:
misid a rapidko demo+sg díkec
misid sg : http://www.sendspace.com/file/2j4zw0
rapid hned pride isiel fajcit cigaretku, hned to ma uploadnute.
Ralfista :)
http://www.sendspace.com/file/xi4bds sg
http://www.sendspace.com/file/qdp6jd demo
zajímalo by mě, jestli někdy dorazíte na offline... :)
We can fly like a bird,
we can swim like a fish,
now we must learn,
how to live on a Earth like PEOPLE.
A. Einstein
sme boli :) v brne :)